Blog archive

Blog posts of '2022' 'April'

Loyalty Club
Use your Sefalana Reward card at any of our loyalty partners and earn or redeem your cashback with them! No other retailer in Botswana can offer you the limitless value of being part of our coalition loyalty programme. Try it out for yourself!


Use your Sefalana Rewards Loyalty card for online purchases!
In store, you are also able to Bank Your Change on to your Reward card for all cash payments that have change.

Please scan the QR Code below in order to download the Infinity Rewards app to your phone. With the app you can:

1. Track your purchases
2. Track your Rewards Cashback & Banked Funds
3. Check your balance
4. Self-register your card

You can alternately visit the below links:
Android (Play Store):
Apple (App Store):

Recipe Hut
Recipe Hut
Healthy Living
Come and experience our vast variety of farm fresh fruit and vegetables at affordable prices. Live healthy, be healthy. Shop with Sefalana.

At all our stores, we have focused on enhancing the shopping experience and offering better deals and a wider product range. We offer our customers distinctive, quality products at competitive prices across food and general merchandise.